There are two editorials: Peadar Laighléis deals with the legalisation of direct abortion in "A Black Day for Ireland"; David Manly reacts to The Irish Times handling of the alleged first legal abortion in "The 'Paper of Record' Fouls its Nest". "From the Editor's Desk" highlights Hungary and some of the parallels between Irish and Hungarian history. Mel Cormican deals with the position of politicians who "happen to be Catholic" in "Catholic Politicians, Communion and the
Protection of Human Life During Pregnancy Bill"; Father Aidan McGing CM concludes his reflection on Darwin in Darwin Reconsidered - Part II; Rachael Hardiman addresses the tragedy of infertility in "Infertility and its Relevance to the Abortion Debate"; John Heneghan looks at the translation of the
Bíobla Uí Fhiannnachta in "The First Catholic Bible in Irish"; Peadar Laighléis documents the post-war treatment of ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe in "Disorderly and Inhumane: Expulsion of Ethnic Germans from East 1945-1948"; Paul Fournier retells a Quebecois ghost story in "Le Cheval Noir"; and Joe Aston tackles the new situation in Ireland in "Meekness: Drawing Victory From Defeat". Hibernicus dissects "Fintan O'Toole's Rogueries"; there is a letter from Eric Conway and the Hurler on the Ditch has more political observations.
Available from Veritas, Dublin; Bendictus Books, Cork; Church of the Guardian Angels, Newtownpark Ave, Dublin; Ss Peters and Pauls, Cork; or e-mail:
I have had it pointed out that one parallel between Ireland and Hungary I missed out on was the fact St Patrick was said to be St Martin of Tours' nephew. St Martin was born in the Roman province of Pannanoia, which is now Hungary, but this was before the Magyars got there. However, horsemanship must have been prized even then, as St Martin became the patron saint of cavalrymen. When the early Irish understood someone to be a nephew of another, they wished to emphasise a close bond between them. If St Patrick did not actually study in Tours, he certainly studied somewhere under the influence of Tours and the Life of St Martin was widely read in the monasteries he founded here. So the connexion between Ireland and Hungary is ancient indeed.